Writing a good essay for college
Topics In Diaganosis Radiation For Paper Presentation
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Connections between American Legal Thought and Other Classes Assignment
The Connections between American Legal Thought and Other Classes - Assignment Example The course additionally considers the memorable part of these methods of reasoning and speculations according to American history. This way of thinking is not quite the same as different ways of thinking that have been concentrated previously. In any case, there is a slight line isolating American lawful considerations and other school of musings educated in American law educational program, for example, American lawful hypothesis. This article will along these lines research the connection between American legitimate idea and American lawful hypothesis as the fundamental courses educated in American graduate schools. American legitimate idea is based on issues that are important to the Americans. This incorporates social issues like legitimization of gay relationships and affordable issues, for example, American current situation in global business. Then again, past ways of thinking are built up on formalist law sciences, American legitimate authenticity and social statute. The two schools of musings are fundamental to a law understudy. In any case, their hugeness or advantages must be accomplished if there is a cozy connection between the two schools of considerations. In contrast to different ways of thinking, American legitimate however arrangements or spotlight on lawful hypotheses and theory from an American viewpoint. Different ways of thinking are set up on widespread laws or laws that are regular overall, for example, criminal equity. American lawful hypothesis centers around greater part speculations that are utilized to make American laws. Despite the fact that this course is imperative to a law, understudy it doesn't give a down to earth application o f these speculations. American way of thinking joins the hypothetical parts of law with reality by relating it with current events that are of lawful concern. American legitimate idea has huge contrasts with different courses educated in the graduate school including the American lawful hypothesis. Be that as it may, both American legitimate hypothesis and American lawful idea spin on the lawful parts of American history2. American history is the sequential record of events in America since the finish of American common war. In this setting American legitimate musings manages the ramifications of key occasions in the American history to the cutting edge American culture. Moreover, this way of thinking additionally thinks about the impact of key chronicled occasions in the arrangement of advanced American law. Then again, American lawful hypothesis centers around how American laws have been established on the authentic part of the nation since the finish of American common war. This incorporates significant issues, for example, how American history influences current court dynamic procedure. Lawful hypothesis likewise thinks about how American history fills in as a proof to legitimate speculations. The subsequent relationship or association between American lawful musings and Amer ican lawful hypothesis is their consolidation of lawful authenticity. American lawful authenticity is a part of lawful ways of thinking that that resist the traditional investigation of US statute. In the conventional variant of the US law, law is considered as an independent structure or decides and rules that courts use to make sensible decisions in both political and legal viewpoints. This infers the two schools of musings are against or challenge the customary perspective on American law. This shows both the American legitimate hypothesis and American lawful contemplations are built up on everyday perspectives or events on the American legal framework. This incorporates the social, good, political
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sports In Schools Free Essays
Sports in schools Ellen Reardon fifth hour Blessing May 6, 2014 About 6 million secondary school young men and young ladies take part in group activities on the courts, in the pools, on the fields, and in the exercise centers. The measure of pressure brought about by sports regularly is irrelevant contrasted with different sources, for example, family issues, peer clashes, school pressures, and so forth. Sports additionally causes understudies learn out to deal with pressure. We will compose a custom article test on Sports In Schools or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now The subject of whether schools should keep sports programs has been talked about among many school presentiments in the course of recent years. Understudies need sports in school for some reasons. Sports can help with pressure, center, grades, and over all inspiration. Keeping sports in schools can assist understudies with significantly something beyond getting exercise. Sports are an immense pressure reliever for certain understudies. They can occupy understudies from the pressure of school and worry from home. By doing this it can clear a student’s mind for quite a while giving them an opportunity to loosen up ND have a ton of fun contending. Sports likewise can assist understudies with building a type of a dependable and dedicated disposition. Sports instruct understudies to be conscious of their mentors while likewise showing a group how to depend on one another. Understudies figure out how to regard themselves as well as others around them. Then again sports do cost a ton of cash that the schools could spend on different things like new course book, PCs, or lab hardware. There are likewise ate night games or meets the may cause understudies to return home late and not have the vitality to finish assignments. Sports may cost a ton of time and cash yet they are as yet significant. Those 6 million secondary school competitors would concur that sports are significant in school. There are many motivation behind why sports help understudy, truly and intellectually. They help as a pressure reliever, as an interruption from the difficult work of school, and they help in building great good character. The most effective method to refer to Sports In Schools, Papers
Monday, August 17, 2020
Simon Hughes appointed advocate for access to education
Simon Hughes appointed advocate for access to education The OE Blog Simon Hughes, the Liberal Democrat deputy leader who hit the headlines when he refused to vote in favour of the coalition policy to raise tuition fees to £9000 has now been appointed the government’s advocate for access to education. In a move that Labour MPs and protesters have denounced as “utter hypocrisy†on the part of the coalition government, Hughes will spend 6 months visiting schools and talking to young people and families from disadvantaged backgrounds to communicate to them the key points of a policy he has staunchly argued against. The position will be double edged, requiring Hughes both to communicate with the general public and to report back to and advise the coalition. He will explain the reality of the new tuition fees system to pupils from poorer backgrounds, helping them fully to understand the new policy and how the scholarship and aid schemes available will be beneficial to them. Then he will report back to the government, advising them on the best implementation of the available financial aid, the optimum replacement for the lost Education Maintenance Allowance and how to create strict measures to deter the majority of universities from charging the highest possible tuition fees of £9000. So is this, as members of the opposition party would have us believe, a hugely cynical move on the part of a publicity conscious government to win over Liberal Democrat left-wingers and public opinion using the “window dressing†of a high-profile protester to encourage acceptance of their unpopular policy? Has Hughes himself ‘sold out’ and abandoned his principles in accepting the position? The answer is yes, and no. Everything about David Cameron’s letter appointing Hughes to the position and explaining its function drips with supercilious pomp, self-satisfied security in the coalition’s plans to raise fees sky high and the firm implication that the ‘advocate for access’ will make no material difference to controversial coalition policy. He smugly reminds us that there is no threat to the cap that has now been set on fees, declaring that “the advocate will focus on the effective communication and delivery of the governments policy programme, within the current budgetary parameters.†To add insult to injury, the Prime Minister even has the gall strongly to imply that the outrage from protesters and the risks to access to education have been caused, not by the coalition’s tuition fees policy itself, but rather by the misinformation and blurring of the facts that have arisen as a result of the media storm. In the heat of the recent debate†he says, “some of the elements of the package have been obscured and there is a material risk that young people â€" particularly those from disadvantaged groups â€" may be deterred from applying to university…as a result of being misled about those financial impacts of the package. This claim has been derided by opposition ministers as a desperate attempt to shirk acknowledgement of the fact that a direct result of the enormous raise in tuition fees will be a hugely detrimental impact on the numbers of underprivileged students making it into higher education. They point out the utter hypocrisy of a government appointing an advocate for access to education at a time when the budget for aid for this issue has been axed in real terms from £360 million (as confirmed by the Browne report) to a mere £150 million. Whether Cameron’s motive is a feeble and facetious attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of his detractors or to mollify and force on-side one of the most vocal and politically influential opposers of the scheme within the coalition parties is unclear. Either way, his declaration that for them to be deterred from entering university as a result of misinformation would be a tragedy for them, reeks of unintended irony. Yet all this does not mean that Hughes himself has sold out as the opposition party claim. One does not need to assume that he has meekly and naively allowed himself to be coddled and mastered by the Conservative leader into abandoning his principles, nor that he has performed an ideological U-turn, as his critics suggest. There is in fact a great deal of nobility in the actions of a man who, having stood up for his principles and protested against a policy he did not believe in, is then able to swallow his pride and risk his political career by accepting defeat and immediately getting stuck in to make the best of it. Here is a politician who has not chosen to make a martyr-like stand and strike an injured and detached pose upon losing a battle he knew could not be won when he started, yet participated in for the sake of principle. Instead, as he explains, he has accepted that “Parliament has settled the maximum university fee level in England from 2012 and we now have a critically important task to ensure that every potential student has access to all the facts about the costs, benefits and opportunities of further and higher education.†In fact he might be the only politician we have seen in this whole debacle whose sole motive and aim has been the genuine support and improvement of access to education in this country for those from the poorest backgrounds. Many such pupils are to be found in his own constituency of Bermondsey and Southwark. Whilst the debate was still open he did all he could behind the scenes to press for a broader package of access aid for less privileged pupils. Now the deed has been done he is preparing to do all in his power to influence and shape the new system to the same end. Hughes’ new role should supposedly see him develop with the government, particularly the Department for Education and the business department an engagement strategy which will allow young people to input into policy development on access to education. If he has been naïve or over-ambitious at any turn, it is perhaps in his hope, against overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that Cameron’s government will pay any attention at all to the views and concerns of young people.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Globalization, No Alliances, And No Communication
Is there any possibility of a completely divided world with no trades between countries, no travels, no alliances, and no communication? Since almost 40 years the world has been going through a process of globalization that makes possible to say that the answer for this question is a strong no. According to Hirst, Thompson, and Bromley â€Å"It is widely asserted that we live in an era in which the greater part of social life is determined by global processes, in which national cultures, national economies, national borders and national territories are dissolving. Central to this perception is the notion of a rapid and recent process of economic globalization†(2015). Nowadays it is well known that only global companies get success in a long-term and a lot of this companies have moved from care on customizing products to providing standardized items. Globalization is leading the world to behave in different ways, Ikeaization and Mcdonaldization are processes that are being use d for the companies in order to achieve certain goals, but also these processes have been playing a big role in today’s world globalization and have been impacting in the culture as it is known nowadays. Some people believes that Globalization is leading to a Mcdonaldization perspective while other people maintains that is better described with an Ikeaization perspective. This essay will scrutinize some examples about Mcdonaldization and Ikeaization, as well as the impact that globalization has over theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Globalization: Sharing Our Prosperity With the World1388 Words  | 6 Pages Globalization is the growing interdependence of the worlds people that involves the integration of economies, technologies, and cultures (Bradshaw). 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This arrangement is an example of what type of involvement level for international marketing? a.|Exporting| b.|Trading| c.|Joint venture| d.|Strategic alliance| e.|Licensing| _D___ 11. Timex⎠¯a U.S. based watchmaker⎠¯recently entered into a partnershipRead MoreEssay about Project Planning and Control Methods1441 Words  | 6 Pagesbusiness as a means for developing new products and services. In the 20th century project management appears to be the solution to many of the challenges confronting global business enterprises (Gray, C. Larson, E., 2003). Trends such as the globalization of business operations increase in mega mergers and acquisitions, increased focus on results, need for speed in delivery, and pressure for accountability have fueled a growth in project management activities across the organization. TraditionalRead MoreImpact Of Globalization On International Business828 Words  | 4 PagesGlobalization has influenced the way our world works today. This is the process of international business. Many of the items we are using at this very moment are imports, products produced in another country. Many businesses today rely on exports, products produced in their home country and shipped to other nations. Every country relies on imports and exports. Wether a firm is expanding to another nation or uses imported goods, international business is always involved and will affect the businessRead MoreThe Global Stage Of The European Union1237 Words  | 5 Pagesremain the same. The concept is carefully related to those of economic globalization which integrates national economies into the international economy. Such incorporations have been achieved through capital flow, trading of goods and services, and foreign direct investment. Since the primary link has been the European Union, which has become a major alliance amongst the European nations. With the EU’s focusing on globalization their economic power has gone up. I feel that with the EU having a single
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How effectively does Frayn use Barbara Berrill in “Spies†Free Essays
How effectively does Frayn use Barbara Berrill in â€Å"Spies†? In â€Å"Spies†, Barbara Berrill is a character who contributes to the book throughout in many different ways, including her interactions with Stephen and overall presence in the book. Frayn achieves various different effects through her character, both affecting our view of Stephen, our view of other characters, the book as a whole and the atmosphere of the book. I believe that the criteria of effectiveness is judged on how well something affects or moves the reader, and how well something contributes to the aim of a text. We will write a custom essay sample on How effectively does Frayn use Barbara Berrill in â€Å"Spies†? or any similar topic only for you Order Now As soon as Barbara is introduced into the book on page 96, we can see this occurring, as the reader is immediately able to sense one of Barbara’s main effects and purposes in the book; the creation of humour when she is with Stephen. The reader finds their relationship comic at first due to the way that Stephen reacts when Barbara enters the lookout. Stephen describes his sense of â€Å"outrage†that Barbara should be in the lookout, and he also says that he is â€Å"offended†by her intrusion. These phrases create humour in the book because they are so exaggerated and also are strong words to use, especially for a child. As a result, the reader feels somewhat superior to Stephen because we find it amusing that he could be so offended that someone has entered his secret place – in spite of the mature words he uses, it feels like a childish reaction to be so infuriated by this. However, I believe that because of this reaction Stephen becomes more endearing as we find his childishness amusing. This is a main effect that the use of Barbara achieves – her relationship with Stephen brings a lot of the humour to the book and also enables the reader to connect with Stephen more, which is an important factor in ensuring the book is successful. In this way, I believe Frayn has cleverly used Barbara to successfully manipulate the reader into finding Stephen more endearing, as his behaviour with the other characters in the book may not have been enough to achieve this alone. Another way in which the use of Barbara with Stephen creates humour in the book is how Stephen justifies his dislike of her. The way that Frayn has created the character herself to be is what creates†¦. How Effectively Does Frayn Use Barbara Berrill in ‘Spies’? Michael Frayn uses the character of Barbara Berrill to a variety of purposes in the book ‘Spies’. She is one of the key features to the themes of growing up and awakening views on adulthood and sexuality as well as providing Stephen with new evidence and theories as to what is going on, allowing us to see him interact with someone quite different from Keith, giving us perhaps a less biased and general view of occurrences in the close and also providing the book with some humour due to her blunt and matter-of-fact way of putting things and the way in which she acts as almost a bridge between the reader and Stephen, asking him the questions that perhaps we are asking ourselves. The obvious purpose of Barbara Berrill does seem to be her involvement in Stephen’s blossoming understanding of the adult world. Being a year older than him, she is a little more perceptive of the things which haven’t even really crossed Stephen’s mind before, such as the possibility of parents having boyfriends and girlfriends. This is a good example of a time where Barbara clearly passes on some new ideas to Stephen, as although he is confused at first, the idea sticks with him throughout thebook as he slowly begins to realise that Barbara is right. ‘She’s taking a message to Mrs. Tracey’s boyfriend’ Now I do turn to look at her, too uncomprehending to conceal it. Auntie Dee’s boyfriend? What’s she talking about? How can someone’s aunt have a boyfriend? †This kind of encounter with Barbara near the beginning of the book emphasises to us just how naive and innocent of the world Stephen is at that po int, not able to understand the possibility of relationships outside of what was official and accepted and is perhaps one of the first times in the story that Stephen encounters something of the less glamorous side of being an dult, something so much stranger in his mind than the idea of ‘spying’ that he tries to shut it out of his head as â€Å"just the kind of thing that girls say, particularly the Berrill girls, who are running wild whilst their father is away. †I think that Frayn uses Barbara for this purpose as she, being a year older and quite detached from what is going on, has more of †¦.. How to cite How effectively does Frayn use Barbara Berrill in â€Å"Spies†?, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Customer Analytics
Question: Discuss about theCustomer Analytics. Answer: Introduction JB Hi Fi is the leading retail store that deals in supplying electronic equipments to its customers all across Australia (jbhifi.com.au 2016). The CMO of the company has commissioned an analytical study related to its marketing department such that to examine the performance of the same in the market. The study would also be helping the company to identify the opportunities associated with the process such that to exploit on the same. This study would be helpful in analysing the data about the marketing sector related to the company from the market. It would also help in developing recommendation for the current situation for the company such that to gain competitive advantage over its competitors like Harvey Norman and The Good Guys that has been operating in the market. The main objective of the study is to make the company competitive such that to remain sustainable in the market. Methodology In order to conduct the analysis of the marketing sector of JB Hi Fi, the following parameters have to be taken into account. Market Position The market position of a particular company depends on various factors including the quality of products, customer satisfaction level, marketing strategy of the company that could help in influencing the purchasing behavior of its customers (VanAuken 2014). Market Share Decomposition The market share of a JB Hi Fi depends on the following factors: Penetration Share The penetration share of a particular brand is the count of the proportion of consumers buying its products (Buoye et al. 2016). It is given by the ratio of the number of customers purchasing JB Hi Fi products to the total number of customers purchasing the categories. Share of Wallet Share of wallet is used in the financial companies and retail businesses (Jang, Prasad and Ratchford 2016). It is widely used to measure the loyalty of an individual customer towards a particular organization. It is also referred to as the market share of JB Hi Fi among its customers. Usage Usage related to a particular brand is the average total purchases in the category by the brand customers. It is specifically measured by the index known as the Heavy Usage Index which is given by the ratio of the average total purchases by the JB Hi Fi customers to the same by all customers in the category (Pilling, Rigdon and Brightman 2012). Thus, from the above discussion, it can be evident that the market position and strategy of a particular company depends on the number of factors based on which the marketing study on the same is conducted. Analysis and Findings Market Position (Market Share Analysis) Total Brand Purchase Harvey Norman The Good Guys JB Hi Fi (in US $) $78,192 $ 76,049 $62,166 Table: Total Purchase of customers in respective of each brand Source: Created by author From the analysis of the above table, it can be evident that the total number of purchases as per the survey conducted on the 322 respondents, the maximum purchase is for the Harvey Norman Company. From the table, it can be evident that the customers have a least tendency to purchase from JB Hi Fi. However, it should be noted that there is huge difference between the total purchases of JB Hi Fi and Harvey Norman where the latter has more influence on the customers related to their purchasing decisions. Total Customers Harvey Norman The Good Guys JB Hi Fi 322 169 162 161 Table 2: Total customers purchasing for each brands Source: Created by author From the analysis of the above table, it can be evident that the customers are more attracted towards buying the products from Harvey Norman than the other two companies. The company has been able to make 169 loyal customers whereas JB Hi Fi has been able to attract the least number of customers. However, it should be noted that there is no such big difference in the number of customers of the companies. This implies that there exists a serious competition among the companies in the market. Market Share Total market share of Harvey Norman 36% The Good Guys 35% JB Hi Fi 29% Table 3: Total market share of each brand Source: Created by author From the analysis of the above table, it can be evident that Harvey Norman is leading the market with the market share of approximately 36% with The Good Guys at the second position with the same at 35% approximately. JB Hi Fi has been able to capture the market with their market share of 29%. It should be noted that there is a marginal difference in market share as captured by the two companies viz., JB Hi Fi and Harvey Norman. From the analysis of the market share of the companies, it can be evident that the two companies are giving tough competition to each other in the market. Performance Relative to Competitors (Market Share Decomposition) Relative Market share Harvey Norman 1.03 The Good Guys 0.97 JB Hi Fi 0.80 Table 4: Relative Market share of each brand Source: Created by author From the analysis of the above table, it can be evident that the relative market share of the Harvey Norman Company is the maximum at 1.03 as compared to the same at 0.97 and 0.8 of The Good Guys and JB Hi Fi respectively. This implies that the JB Hi Fi has been able to build a brand for itself in the market. However, it should be noted that there is no suich big difference in the market share of the respective companies. Penetration share Harvey Norman 52% The Good Guys 50% JB Hi Fi 50% Table 5: Penetration share of each brand Source: Created by author From the analysis of the above table, it can be evident that the market penetration share of the Harvey Norman is the maximum at 52% as compared to the other companies lying at 50% for both The Good Guys and JB Hi Fi. From the statistics, it can be evident that although Harvey Norman has been able to gain competitive advantage, the other two companies are also not far behind and have been equally influencing the market in respective of the purchasing behavior of the customers. Heavy usage index Harvey Norman 0.361319181 The Good Guys 0.351416544 JB Hi Fi 0.287264275 Table 6: Heavy usage index Source: Created by author From the analysis of the above table, it can be evident that the heavy usage index or the relative purchase of the products of the customers form the companies has been the maximum for Harvey Norman and the least for JB Hi Fi. However, from the analysis of the statistics related to the companies, it can be evident that there still exists serious competition among the three companies in the market with the customers being unable to decide on the reliability of the companies. Recommendation From the analysis of the survey data, it can be found that Harvey Norman has been leading the market and has been the most popular among the customers as evident from its performance. In comparison with the other competitive companies, JB Hi Fi has been the least consistent in its performance in the market. The company needs to plan and implement appropriate strategies within its business processes such that to increase its market share, penetration share, usability index, and relative market share. Moroever, the company also needs an urgent requirement of raising its standards such that to be able to influence more customers in respective of their purchasing decisions. Opportunities for Increasing the Market Share Although the results show the rank of JB Hi Fi to be low, the statistics reveal that the other two companies are in tough competition with the company and have also been impressive in their performances at the competitive level in the market. Thus, for JB Hi Fi to be gaining market recognition , it should be determining the opportunities and exploit on the same to remain sustainable in the market in the future. Quality Maintenance The company has been influencing the purchasing decisions of its customers through its quality products. Hence, it should be maintaining the quality of its products in order to remain competitive in the future as well (Homburg, Stierl and Bornemann 2013). Retaining Customers The company should be implementing an appropriate retention polices in order to retain its customers in the future. By raising the standards of its produictrs and services, it should be able to attract more customers in the future. Conclusion The project aims at conducting a marketing study on the case study organization, JB Hi Fi. The company, JB Hi Fi is a retail store that deals in supplying electronic equipments to the customers. The project deals in analysing the market situation of the company in respective of its competitors. The project would also be helping in identifying the opportunities associated with the process such that to exploit on the same. This project would be helpful in analysing the data about the marketing sector related to the company from the market. It would also help in developing recommendation for the current situation for the company such that to gain competitive advantage over its competitors that has been operating in the market. The main objective of the study is to make the company competitive such that to remain sustainable in the market. References Buoye, A., Komarova Loureiro, Y., Kabadayi, S., Nejad, M.G., Keiningham, T.L., Aksoy, L. and Allsopp, J., 2016. Is Share of Wallet exclusively about making customers happy or having more customers? Exploring the relationship between satisfaction and double jeopardy. Journal of Service Management, 27(4). Homburg, C., Stierl, M. and Bornemann, T., 2013. Corporate social responsibility in business-to-business markets: How organizational customers account for supplier corporate social responsibility engagement. Journal of Marketing, 77(6), pp.54-72. Jang, S., Prasad, A. and Ratchford, B.T., 2016. Consumer spending patterns across firms and categories: Application to the size-and share-of-wallet. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33(1), pp.123-139. jbhifi.com.au, (2016). JB Hi-Fi | Australias Largest Home Entertainment Retailer. [online] Jbhifi.com.au. Available at: https://www.jbhifi.com.au/ [Accessed 16 Aug. 2016]. Pilling, B.K., Rigdon, E.E. and Brightman, H.J., 2012. Building a Metrics-Enabled Marketing Curriculum The Cornerstone Course. Journal of Marketing Education, 34(2), pp.179-193. VanAuken, B., 2014. Brand Aid: A Quick Reference Guide to Solving Your Branding Problems and Strengthening Your Market Position. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.
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